Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Flowers of Spring

For-get-me-nots with Solomon's Seal on the side
I have to admit that Spring is my favorite season.  I'm one of those who think that the New Year should begin on April 1 with the earth waking up, new growth, and the migratory birds arriving.  This post is mostly images of flowers that have been in  my garden over the summer (2012) and the prior summer of 2011.  My front garden, though, is progressively becoming more shady because of the Colorado Spruces and the Red Maples that are getting taller and broader.  Even with pruning this is happening so my bright colored garden is moving to my backyard which I'm working on bringing back from crab/quack grass, stinging nettles and pokeberries.  Wish me luck in getting that under control this spring and summer as well as working on painting the trim on my house during the dry weather of July.
Red Oriental Poppies (foreground), golden
thyme (in between flagstones), lamb's ears,
the early growing stalk of Olympic Mullein
(behind poppies), purple Verbena Bonariensis

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