The stitching pulled the long stripes up into shallow
long hills and gives it a physical, as well as
visual texture. (Untitled piece, as of yet.) |
I love gingko leaves but the hazy black/gray
stripes were what ended up enthralling me.
The base fabric is a cotton knit which came
printed with multi-colored dots. I cut off the
leaves and even chopped the bottom wavy
lines off and added them up above. |
Detail of long embroidery
above. The colored dots
really make this fabric
piece dynamic. |
Many of my early DSP fabrics were very vague, pale or diffused because it was the first pull on the screen. I've taken those "foggy" fabrics and used them as the background for some very interesting embroideries, I think. My favorite stitch is the simple straight stitch, also called seed stitch, whip stitch, or the satin stitch pulled apart, because I love stripes and the chance to cover them with horizontal straight stitches. I use any stripe or area that creates a channel. Also using a long thread from one point to another and coming back up with a separate thread to couch down the long one has created some wonderful wavy lines. The open fly stitch is also a favorite. Using the straight stitch, especially, I have come to call mindless embroidery because I so often use it while I'm watching movies in the evening--- it helps me to concentrate. The detail images will give a better idea of where they all came from.
Check out my guild's blog for more images of these types of embroideries I do (December 2014). The Lakeshore Fiber Arts Guild's December Holiday Potluck always features show 'n tell (and an ornament exchange) at
Lakeshore Fiber Arts Guild blog.